11月20日,我们将在上海举办BRE中国奖颁奖典礼,我们将颁发超过十一个BRE中国年度奖项,以表彰过去一年在建筑可持续性上有突出表现的项目和个人。优秀的获奖建筑项目有机会直接在2020年BREEAM Awards上与其他优秀的国际项目共同角逐BREEAM年度大奖。
同时,我们也看到有许多的中国项目,开始进入在英国举办的BREEAM年度大奖(BREEAM Awards)的角逐。2018年的BREEAM年度大奖,共有4个来自中国的项目入围了亚洲区的BREEAM年度大奖,1个项目入围了住宅项目的设计奖,与世界范围内的其他优秀同类建筑项目进行角逐。
In November, we will host the BRE China Awards in Shanghai, where we will present more than 11 BRE China Annual Awards in recognition of projects and individuals who have excelled in building sustainability over the past year. Award-winning projects will have the opportunity to compete directly with other outstanding international projects directly at the 2020 Global BREEAM Awards.
BRE China Awards
This year’s first BRE China Awards, we will present more than eleven awards. The awards will recognize the outstanding building projects, building management teams, and outstanding BREEAM assessors teams and individuals from BRE’s professional perspective. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to BRE’s partners in China.
BREEAM in China
As of August 2019, BREEAM has more than 160 BREEAM projects in Greater China, with more than 20 million square meters of construction area registered, of which 106 have been certified. In Greater China, 55 organizations offer BREEAM consulting and certification services, with more than 160 BREEAM professionals.
At the same time, we have seen a number of Chinese projects entering the competition for the Global BREEAM Awards. In the 2018 BREEAM Awards, four projects from China were shortlisted for the BREEAM Awards in Asia, and one was shortlisted for the Design Award for Residential Projects, competing with other outstanding projects worldwide.