BRE的首席执行官Niall Trafford指出,中国在这经济腾飞的十几年中,可持续发展越来越受到政府和民众的关注。他说:“今天与上海环境能源交易所、上海虹口绿色产业发展中心签署的这份谅解备忘录,确立了我们BRE协助当地政府建立本土EPD流程和数据库的使命,为推动建筑材料信息公开和建筑全生命周期碳排放减少作出了巨大贡献,将引领中国建筑材料市场的的新变革。”
EPD collaboration with CNEEEX
BRE collaborates with CNEEEX (Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange) to aim at promoting green manufacturing in China.
The collaboration will focus on green manufacturing, with a focus on green supply chain in China. BRE will assist CNEEEX in establishing an EPD program, procedure and database. On the foundation of the EPD programme, the partnership will deepen the collaboration on construction materials testing and certification, thus uplifting quality standards for construction materials in China. Beside these, the collaboration will also focus on developing green standards in all fields, including green products / green industrial manufacture / green financing / etc.
Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange is the first energy exchange platform in China which is authorized by Shanghai Municipal Government. It explores trading in the fields of energy conservation, carbon emission reduction and permit trading, CCER, carbon forward products trading, pollution rights trading, carbon finance and carbon consulting services.