为了加强中国地区BIM培训课程建设和完善BIM人员评价体系,2019年1月16日,中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司(CBS)、中国BIM认证联盟、buildingSMART中国分部与英国建筑研究院(Building Research Establishment,简称BRE)在中国标准设计研究院有限公司签署了战略合作协议。来自BIM行业的17位领导、专家参与了本次战略合作签约仪式。
中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司总经理曹彬和BRE的首席执行官兼中国公司董事长Niall Trafford先生在行业BIM专家的见证下共同签署了这份协议。双方将在这份协议的基础上,发挥各自在BIM上的专长,共同推进、开展BRE BIM level 2 和ISO 19650的BIM人员培训;完善在中国地区的BIM培训课程建设、人员评价体系等。
BRE的首席执行官Niall Trafford先生认为,中国过去近二十年的经济腾飞和快速的城镇化发展,使得可持续发展在现阶段获得了更多的关注。市场将会需要更多的BIM专家来为中国复杂的建筑项目服务。他说:“这些BIM专家将会需要科学的培训方法和专业的培训人员。我相信我们与CBS今天签署的这份战略协议,将会是BIM培训课程发展的一大步,它将推动各个相关层面的进步。”
BIM Training collaboration with CBS
BRE (Building Research Establishment) collaborates with CBS (China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research) to advance the development and integration of BIM in China.
Niall Trafford, CEO of BRE Global, and Ms. Cao, Bin, the general manager of CBS signed the memorandum of understanding on 16th Jan 2019 in Beijing. The two organizations agreed that they will use their expertise in BIM to promote the work of both businesses in BIM; to strengthen the development of BIM training courses; and build the BIM professional certification system in China.
Ms Cao said that the benefit of BIM has been highly aware by the National Government. However, problems like lack of BIM expertise and experts have limited the development of BIM. “We believe BIM training is only a start, we are looking forward to cooperate with BRE in BIM, Green Building Assessment, pre-Fabricated technique etc., to build a joint international communication platform.” Ms. Cao added.
China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research (CBS) is the only state-level high-tech enterprise in China that integrates standard specification, standard development, engineering design, product certification and technology research and development. It is also the only company entrusted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development of China to centrally manage the development of national building standards. At the same time, CBS is also the undertaking body of buildingSMART China branch and China BIM certification alliance and responsible for the implementation and promotion of BIM certification, training and other related work in China.