About the BRE Trust

The BRE Trust is the largest UK charity dedicated specifically to research and education in the built environment.

Set up in 1997 to advance knowledge, innovation and communication for public benefit, the Trust uses all profits made by the BRE Group to fund new research and education programmes that will help to meet its goal of ‘building a better world together’.

The Trust commissions research into the challenges faced by the built environment and publishes project findings which act as authoritative guidance to the construction industry. Through its activities, the Trust aims to achieve:

  • A higher quality built environment
  • Built facilities that offer improved functionality and value for money
  • A more efficient and sustainable construction sector with a higher level of innovative practice.

In collaboration with academia and industry, the Trust awards scholarships and bursaries to PhD and MSc students, and provides financial support to the Chairs of five University Centres of Excellence.


To enrich the lives and businesses of citizens by supporting the delivery of sustainable buildings, communities and cities.


To enable transformational change within the built environment through research, demonstration and education as a premier charitable Trust.


  • To grow the size and impact of the programme
  • To extend international research delivery and influence
  • To increase global outreach and engagement
  • To support integrated lifetime learning
  • To maintain and protect reputation and independence
  • Actively support the success of the built environment sector


BRE Trust review 2016/2017 : A global funder of new research

“The BRE Trust has become a globally significant supporter of the research needed to meet the complex challenges of climate change, urbanisation, environmental damage nd resource depletion,” says Deborah Pullen MBE, Group Director of Research.

“Using profits made by the BRE Group, the Trust supports new research and demonstration programmes conducted by BRE scientists, our University Research Partners and the wider built environment community. However, significant amounts of additional funding are won by BRE and its partners from both public and private funding sources.

In 2016, for example, the total research programme was worth over £25m, with £6.5m direct to BRE and £9m to our University partners. On top of this another £10m has been delivered by over 75 other collaborative partners. This makes a significant contribution to the development of knowledge and skills, and the wider knowledge economy, which underpins the products and services of our industry.

The nature of our research spans the full spectrum, from fundamental understanding through to applied research, validation and demonstration of new technologies, processes and methodologies. A selection of highlights from our research programmes during 2016/17 are outlined here and throughout the report.”

BRE University Centres of Excellence